The Future of Siting and Permitting

Room 202-B

Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents new opportunities to radically accelerate the speed at which we can build infrastructure by bringing new capabilities to complex review, siting, and permitting processes. Siting and permitting challenges can significantly reduce deployment potential. For example, the National Renewable Energy Lab found that geothermal energy deployment is reduced by as much as […]

Labor Partnerships in Construction: De-Risk Your Project

Room 202-B

Since 2020, the private sector has announced over $980 billion in investments to construct new manufacturing and clean energy developments in the US, catalyzed by over $630 billion in public support through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) and Science […]

Applying AI to Enable Clean Energy Interconnection

Room 202-B

Before renewable generation can be connected to the grid, these supply resources must undergo a series of grid impact studies before they can be built. This process – called the interconnection queue -- has become a key bottleneck in the deployment of clean energy. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to address these long-standing delays […]

Sourcing the Pieces for the T&D Puzzle

Room 202-B

Where will the components we need to maintain, repair, and build out our transmission and distribution systems come from- and will we have enough to keep the lights on and make progress on clean energy deployment? Although a robust and resilient grid is critical for maintaining a thriving energy sector, it has often been taken […]

Building a Resilient American Battery Supply Chain 

Room 202-B

The Department of Energy, led by the Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains (MESC) and the Loans Program Office (LPO), is catalyzing the development of America’s batteries supply chain. The combination of DOE investments and supportive policy from the Inflation Reduction Act has led to $180 billion of investment in the EV and Battery […]

USA Sourced Critical Materials: From Byproducts to Coproducts

Room 202-B

DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) has committed an estimated $176 million since January 2021 for projects that support critical minerals and materials exploration, resource identification, production, and processing in traditional mining and fossil fuel-producing communities across the country. Initial estimates suggest that unconventional and secondary sources could provide significant amounts of […]