Brad Crabtree is the Assistant Secretary for the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM), where he leads and directs FECM’s research and development programs.
Crabtree brings nearly three decades of experience in energy and climate policy to his role as Assistant Secretary. Prior to coming to DOE, he served as Vice President for Carbon Management at the Great Plains Institute (GPI), where he cofounded and directed the Carbon Capture Coalition, which works to advance carbon management technologies to meet climate goals, create high-wage jobs, and support domestic energy and industrial production.
At GPI, Crabtree also helped launch the bipartisan State Carbon Capture Work Group to foster deployment of carbon capture and CO2 transport infrastructure, and he led GPI’s efforts to establish the Industrial Innovation Initiative aimed at decarbonizing key industries. Additionally, he co-directed Powering the Plains, a project that crafted a comprehensive 50-year regional blueprint for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and carbon capture.
Crabtree previously coordinated energy policy advisory groups for the Midwestern Governors Association and facilitated the Midwestern Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord Advisory Group for six governors and the premier of Manitoba. He has also led multiple overseas delegations of U.S. policymakers and private sector leaders to examine other countries’ policies and experience in carbon management and renewable energy technology.
A North Dakota native, Crabtree is a graduate of the Georgetown School of Foreign Service and has an MA in history from Johns Hopkins University.
Lessons Learned from Traditional Energy
December 4 @ 4:15 pm – 4:40 pm
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